A Charlie Brown ChristmasIn partnership with Arts on the Green, Sandy Spring Theatre Group presents A Charlie Brown Christmas. The classic animated television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas comes to life in this faithful stage adaptation (with an adult cast) where Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang grapple with the real meaning of Christmas.
Added bonus: A very special guest from the North Pole will read the classic holiday story, “The Night Before Christmas,” and provide a special holiday treat for kids of all ages. December 4 through 20, 2015 Fridays & Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. $20 / $12 Children 14 and under - Purchase Tickets Online |
LocationThe Arts BarnGaithersburg, MD 20878
301-258-6394 [email protected] Throughout the year, the Arts on the Green performing arts program presents musicals, comedies, dramas, a One-Act festival, magic shows, repertory, monologues, pantomime, and puppetry. Musical concerts encompassing everything from classical to pop grace this charming stage, where every seat has superb visibility. Call or visit the box office to purchase tickets or purchase tickets online via RecXpress. |